Friday, December 19, 2014

One man's trash is another man's treasure

I created a skirt made from recycled caprisuns, and named it juicy Gar-Bargè. Juicy Gar-Bargè was an intesting pice to create, although I didn't put much thought into a 'color scheme' for this piece it still turned out great! The rectangular shape of the caprisun helped bring the pelted skirt look all together. Figuring out how to create a skirt that would actually fit someone was a huge problem i had. There were only about 40 caprisuns and I was sure it wouldn't work but I did, all I had to do was cut the caprisuns in half(which basically double how many caprisuns I had to work with). Another problem I ran into was how I was gonna get them to all stay together, taped worked just fine but  I soon realized that if I wanted my skirt to be stredy the tape had to cover the WHOLE thing. Now that my skirt was covers in tape its a little stiff, but other than that it's perfect :)

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